Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I'm copying Jen's blog, too.
Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memeory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!


lesmisgirl said...

Well...I agree, it is kind of challenging to pick certain memories out of 23 years of them. I remember penny candy and playing football against you. I remember years of sharing a room--the good and the bad times :). I remember you having a conversation with me in your sleep and the time that you had a fascination with the word "cow" :). I remember how much work you put into making my dvd for my 21st birthday. I remember visiting you in the hospital before Kimby was born (and after), and (like you said) staying with you after Katherine was born (I would totally do it again!). I remember the look you had on your face when you came to meet me on the floor of the Holt Arena. Whether it was conscious or not, I could tell that you were genuinely happy for me. That meant a lot.

Jen said...

Your bear collection. All of your choir concerts. While Jeff and I were engaged, we stopped at Cove, Oregon to watch you perform. Of course, I don't ever want to forget our first slumber party at my apartment in Rexburg :) Um, dying your hair extra blonde :) I really wish I could forget that one. So, many I could name, but time does not permit. I cannot wait to make more memories through out the years with you though.

Melanie said...

I remember the first time you came to our BBQ. You and Spencer were so funny and loved playing games. When you left, I remember Gus and I deciding that we wanted to get to know you more. It has been so much fun ever since and you guys are great friends! Don't worry, we really truly like you and don't just use you for your Wii or because you are an awesome cook!:)

lesmisgirl said...

Dude, you need to update your blog!

sarah said...

hello!! fist of all!! I'm sooo glad I found you! I hope your doing well. I've looked you up sooo many times!! but I found you now! your girls are beautiful! congrats!
---memories...where to begin being roomates I could go into a lot of funny stories, but how about just a funny picture I ran into the other day of us girls with masks on and staying up really late making our quote board and telling ridiculous stories----I guess you have been there for that, but you were so it's okay--- --or how about the time we were driving back from Idaho Falls and it was snowing and jessica drove about 5 mph and we had to listen to john denvers muppet christmas cd the whole way back--- I laugh everytime I see that cd!! --miss you-
i don't have a blog, but here is my email- Sarah.tc.cunningham@gmail.com I would love to hear from you!!