Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Me too!

Kimberley's favorite phrase right now is "me too!!" Whenever I'm talking on the phone or doing anything, she always says, "Me too! I want to talk to them too!" or "Me too! I want some too!" Yesterday Spencer had a Pepsi, so, obviously Kimberley wanted some too. She took a drink and when she was done, she nodded her head and licked her lips and very seriously said, "That's really good." It was hilarious! Somedays it takes all I have not to just laugh hysterically when she says or does things like that.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


For the past several months, sleeping has been a huge issue with the girls. Katherine refuses to sleep in her crib and Kimberley has been waking up in the middle of the night and either getting in bed with me and Katherine or going to sleep in the beanbag with daddy (he has a hard time sleeping in the bed because of his sleep apnea. I can't wait to get it all taken care of so I can have my husband back!!). This morning Kimby (Kimberley) came into my bedroom and I asked her if she slept with daddy last night. She got a big grin on her face and said, "No! I slept in my bed ALL night!" Yay!! This was the second night in the row that this has happened, so I'm hoping she's finally getting over it! Now I just need to figure out a way to get Katherine out of my bed! All she does in her crib is scream and I can't just let her because we have upstairs neighbors, plus she shares a room with Kimby and I don't want her to wake her up. It is quite the dilemma!