I'm copying Jen's blog, too.
Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memeory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!
The Lives of Spencer, Melanie, Kimberley, Katherine and Alexis Mangelson
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Raspberries and the Friday Night Art Walk
Thursday night, Kimby and I went to Fred Meyer to get raspberries. We saw grandma (mom) and Ashley buying raspberries while we were there. We have been snacking on raspberries ever since...mmm! They remind me of Washington. We used to go pick raspberries in the summers when we lived there. I also made some raspberry jam with some of them that is really good.
Last night, mom, Ashley, Jamie and Malorie and their kids, and Kimby, Katherine, and I went to the Friday Night Art Walk downtown. It's where a bunch of businesses stay open late and they have art displayed in their stores. They also have little snacks that you can have while you browse through their stores and look at the artwork. It's a pretty smart idea- a lot of these stores were really neat, but I've never been in them and probably never have gone to them if not for the Art Walk. Spencer was working for the Art Walk so we got to visit him for a little bit. There's a little park downtown that has little plaques with names on them embedded in the pavement. Grandpa Brown has a plaque somewhere in that park, so we tried looking for it, but we couldn't find it. Kimberley and Jay had a lot of fun splashing in the fountain they had there; I wish I had brought my camera!
Last night, mom, Ashley, Jamie and Malorie and their kids, and Kimby, Katherine, and I went to the Friday Night Art Walk downtown. It's where a bunch of businesses stay open late and they have art displayed in their stores. They also have little snacks that you can have while you browse through their stores and look at the artwork. It's a pretty smart idea- a lot of these stores were really neat, but I've never been in them and probably never have gone to them if not for the Art Walk. Spencer was working for the Art Walk so we got to visit him for a little bit. There's a little park downtown that has little plaques with names on them embedded in the pavement. Grandpa Brown has a plaque somewhere in that park, so we tried looking for it, but we couldn't find it. Kimberley and Jay had a lot of fun splashing in the fountain they had there; I wish I had brought my camera!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Everyone has been bugging me about not posting in awhile, so here goes. =) (Just be warned, this might be a long one!) This summer has been a fun, but busy one. I don't even know where to start. We've had lots of fun spending time with family this summer and can't wait for family reunions to spend more time with everyone. The girls have had a lot of fun playing outside in the nice weather.

Kimberley loves going outside to play with the neighbor kids that are all at least 5 years older than she is. She thinks that she is such a big girl. In fact, last night in the van she told me she was big like me and daddy now. Yeah- not quite! =)
Kimberley is proving to be just like her daddy. Spencer loves watching movies and Kimberley is the exact same. Every day without fail, she says, "I want to watch a movie!" For a really long time, she watched "A Bug's Life" every single day. Needless to say, we have it memorized. Her other favorites, in order, are Cars, Incredibles, Ice Age, and Mary Poppins.
Speaking of movies, Spencer has been wanting to go see a movie in the movie theatre for a really long time. I don't really like going because it's expensive, I don't like leaving my girls for that long, and I think it's weird sitting in a big dark room with a bunch of strangers. Well, Jamie and I have been trading off watching each other's kids while we go on dates with our spouses. This past date night, I finally gave in and we went to see Kung Fu Panda. It was pretty funny! I think Spencer and I are going to take turns planning our dates, so he gets to do what he wants, too. =)
4th of July Weekend
I always love it when Jeff and Jen's family come and visit, so I was really excited all week for the 4th of July. They got here Thursday night and we just hung out a bit that night and went and bought fireworks for the next night. On Friday, I woke up really early, made hamburger and hot dog buns, hoagie rolls, and cupcakes (yes, I am a glutton for punishment- I just love baking though!), went to the store, ate breakfast, took a shower, and got the girls ready, all before going to the parade at 10. Spencer helped a lot so I didn't lose my mind!
As much as I like going to parades, this one was LAME! Even worse than usual. I didn't expect much, though, because the 4th of July parade is usually the worst one of the year. Kimberley had fun with Kammi and London and getting candy, though, so I guess that's what matters.

After the parade, we went to mom's house for lunch. The kids played in the pool that afternoon and ate popsicles and cupcakes. Jen and I left for a little while to go to the mall. We tried on clothes and just enjoyed spending a little time without kids for a change. Jamie's family got back from Rupert just in time to have a barbecue. We also made homemade vanilla ice cream with Grandpa Brown's big ice cream maker. Once it was starting to get a little dark, we starting lighting off fireworks. The fireworks this year were actually pretty cool. I usually get bored after about 10 minutes, but we had some good ones this year. We went to the Pocatello Town Square parking lot to watch the big fireworks show once it got dark. Kimberley and Katherine had both fallen asleep in the van on the way over there so Spencer and I just stayed in our van and listened to the music on the radio.
The next morning, I took the girls over to mom's house so Kimberley could have blueberry pancakes with Kammi. Later in the afternoon, Jeff, Jen, Jamie, Ashley, Katherine, and I went to the furniture store to look around for a little while, then went to the mall to get gelato...mmmm. Then we went to GameStop and Jeff bought Rock Band for Wii, so we went back to mom's house and played it until Jeff and Jen left. It was a lot of fun! It was a good weekend.
Katherine's Big Week
This past week has been a busy one for Katherine. She has been taking her sweet time reaching milestones, but this past week she started crawling on her hands and knees (before she just scooted on her forearms and belly), pulling herself up, and (my favorite) saying, "Mama!" She is so adorable! Her laugh is just hilarious and she laughs at the most random times.

Kimberley loves going outside to play with the neighbor kids that are all at least 5 years older than she is. She thinks that she is such a big girl. In fact, last night in the van she told me she was big like me and daddy now. Yeah- not quite! =)
Kimberley is proving to be just like her daddy. Spencer loves watching movies and Kimberley is the exact same. Every day without fail, she says, "I want to watch a movie!" For a really long time, she watched "A Bug's Life" every single day. Needless to say, we have it memorized. Her other favorites, in order, are Cars, Incredibles, Ice Age, and Mary Poppins.
Speaking of movies, Spencer has been wanting to go see a movie in the movie theatre for a really long time. I don't really like going because it's expensive, I don't like leaving my girls for that long, and I think it's weird sitting in a big dark room with a bunch of strangers. Well, Jamie and I have been trading off watching each other's kids while we go on dates with our spouses. This past date night, I finally gave in and we went to see Kung Fu Panda. It was pretty funny! I think Spencer and I are going to take turns planning our dates, so he gets to do what he wants, too. =)
4th of July Weekend
I always love it when Jeff and Jen's family come and visit, so I was really excited all week for the 4th of July. They got here Thursday night and we just hung out a bit that night and went and bought fireworks for the next night. On Friday, I woke up really early, made hamburger and hot dog buns, hoagie rolls, and cupcakes (yes, I am a glutton for punishment- I just love baking though!), went to the store, ate breakfast, took a shower, and got the girls ready, all before going to the parade at 10. Spencer helped a lot so I didn't lose my mind!
As much as I like going to parades, this one was LAME! Even worse than usual. I didn't expect much, though, because the 4th of July parade is usually the worst one of the year. Kimberley had fun with Kammi and London and getting candy, though, so I guess that's what matters.

After the parade, we went to mom's house for lunch. The kids played in the pool that afternoon and ate popsicles and cupcakes. Jen and I left for a little while to go to the mall. We tried on clothes and just enjoyed spending a little time without kids for a change. Jamie's family got back from Rupert just in time to have a barbecue. We also made homemade vanilla ice cream with Grandpa Brown's big ice cream maker. Once it was starting to get a little dark, we starting lighting off fireworks. The fireworks this year were actually pretty cool. I usually get bored after about 10 minutes, but we had some good ones this year. We went to the Pocatello Town Square parking lot to watch the big fireworks show once it got dark. Kimberley and Katherine had both fallen asleep in the van on the way over there so Spencer and I just stayed in our van and listened to the music on the radio.
The next morning, I took the girls over to mom's house so Kimberley could have blueberry pancakes with Kammi. Later in the afternoon, Jeff, Jen, Jamie, Ashley, Katherine, and I went to the furniture store to look around for a little while, then went to the mall to get gelato...mmmm. Then we went to GameStop and Jeff bought Rock Band for Wii, so we went back to mom's house and played it until Jeff and Jen left. It was a lot of fun! It was a good weekend.
Katherine's Big Week
This past week has been a busy one for Katherine. She has been taking her sweet time reaching milestones, but this past week she started crawling on her hands and knees (before she just scooted on her forearms and belly), pulling herself up, and (my favorite) saying, "Mama!" She is so adorable! Her laugh is just hilarious and she laughs at the most random times.

(We got a big package of blueberries yesterday, so I made fresh blueberry pancakes with buttermilk syrup for breakfast. Needless to say, Katherine needed a bath and I needed to do some laundry after breakfast!)
I don't know what was going on, but the font kept changing on me, so this post is all messed up, but whatever.
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